Observing climate change
EURO-BASIN is the European branch of the International BASIN Program (Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis & INtegration) focusing on climate and human forcing, ecosystem impact and consequences for living resources management in the North Atlantic.
Within EURO-BASIN, an application of the model SEAPODYM is developed for the North Atlantic albacore stock with a careful definition and validation of a spatially explicit fishing dataset prepared from publically available sources (ICCAT) to provide the first spatially explicit estimate of albacore density in the North Atlantic by life stage. Density distributions together with the fishing data used for the estimates are provided in the pangea database.

Lehodey P., Senina I., Dragon A-C., Arrizabalaga H. (2014). Spatially explicit estimates of stock size, structure and biomass of North Atlantic albacore Tuna (Thunnus alalunga). Earth System Science Data Discussion, 7, 169–195.
Dragon AC, Senina I., Conchon A., Titaud O., Arrizabalaga H. and Lehodey P. (2015). Modeling spatial population dynamics of North Atlantic Albacore tuna under the influence of both fishing and climate variability. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72(6): 864-878.